Ok going to call this done now! Mess around with the settings in Marmoset to see how it would look like under different lighting. Might go back to it this weekend to see if I can make some small changes or not. But for now I'm going to move on to the next learning project.
There are a few things that I learn throughout this project besides just the art side of things:
* I'm slow, it took me 3 weeks to do this and a professional would finish within hours. Definitely going to set stricter deadlines for myself and push to meet them in order to get faster. Obviously quality still comes first.
*Quite a few of the details sculpted in Zbrush didn't really show up in the Normal Map because I made them too light or too small to notice. I should learn to make bigger changes and look at things as a whole instead of being afraid and work in a small area for a long time.
*Taking 3 hours to to figure that Maya AO Map transfer doesn't work were a waste of time. I should have move on to xNormal or another program within the hour already. I shouldn't be set on using one program to do something but instead learn others in order to not waste time during the technical side of the project.
Overall this was a great learning experience and I'm looking forward to the next one!~